If your cat has been touching you with its nose a lot, this post will show you likely reasons why and what you can do about them.
So, why does my cat touch me with its nose? The most likely reason why your cat touches you with its nose is that it is actually smelling you to find out what scents you have on you.
There are actually a number of possible reasons why your cat touches you with its nose and it could be due to a combination of reasons. However, there are some things you can consider to help figure out the main cause.
Why does my cat touch me with its nose?
Below are likely reasons why your cat does it and what would make them more likely.
Your cat is finding out about you
Cats have around 9-16 times better smelling abilities than humans do (source). The reason why your cat sniffs you is likely to be that it is trying to find out about how healthy you are, what scents you have on you, what mood you are in and where you have been.
Your cat is being affectionate
Cats will sometimes touch noses with each other when they are greeting each other. The reason why your cat touches you with its nose could also be that it is greeting you in addition to smelling what scents you have on you. This would be more likely if it does it when you first see it.
Your cat is showing that it trusts you
Touching you with its nose is also likely to be a sign that your cat is showing that it trusts you. This is because cats only touch noses with cats that they trust unless it is a more aggressive head bump which can be a dominance move.
Things to consider
Below are things to consider to help figure out the main cause.
If your cat always touched you with its nose
If your cat did not always touch you with its nose, it would help to consider what else happened when it first started. If it started doing it suddenly, a likely cause is that it became more comfortable around you since it is a sign of trust.
What is different when your cat touches you with its nose
It would also help to consider the timing of when your cat touches you with its nose. If it does it when you arrive home, it is likely that it is smelling the scents on you and greeting you. Whereas, if it does it when you are petting it, the cause could be that it is showing affection as well as smelling your scents.
What to do about my cat touching me with its nose?
Below are some options you have when dealing with the behavior.
Let your cat continue doing it
If your cat has not been behaving unusually, it would likely be the case that your cat has been touching you with its nose naturally and it is likely actually a good sign. In this case, the best option would likely be to let your cat continue doing it.
Give your cat a chance to sniff you
Cat’s often like to smell you in order to find out about you. If your cat wants to sniff you, it would likely help to just let it do it for a moment.