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Why does my cat zig zag in front of me?

If your cat zig zags in front of you, this post will show you likely reasons why and what to do about it.

So, why does my cat zig zag in front of me? The most likely reason why your cat zig zags in front of you is that it is trying to look at you to see where you are going if it does it when you are walking with it. If your cat zig zags at other times, it would be likely that your cat is playing.

There are a number of possible reasons why your cat zig zags in front of you that will depend on the context. However, there are some things you can consider to help figure out the main cause.

Why does my cat zig zag in front of me?

Below are likely causes and what would make each of them more likely.

Your cat is not sure where you are going

The reason why your cat zig zags in front of you could be that your cat is not sure where you are doing and it is trying to get a better view of you. This would be more likely if it does it when you are walking somewhere and it is facing away from you and looking up to you while walking in front of you.

Your cat is trying to guide you in a certain direction

Another likely cause is that your cat is trying to guide you in a certain direction. This would be more likely if your cat does it in a way that forces you to walk in a certain direction and if it does it more at a time when it is likely to want something from you such as before you have fed it in the morning.

Your cat is playing

If your cat zig zags, when it is running towards you, it would be likely that your cat is playing. When cats are chasing their prey, it will often be necessary for your cat to zig zag in order for it to keep up with the movements of the prey when it is trying to escape.

Consider the timing of when your cat zig zags in front of you

It would help to consider the timing of when your cat zig zags in front of you. If your cat does it when it is walking with you, it would be likely that your cat is trying to guide you in a certain direction or to see where you are going. Whereas, if it does it when it is not walking with you, it would be more likely that your cat is playing or that it just walks that way naturally.

What to do about my cat zig zagging in front of me?

Below are some things you can do about it.

Let it do it

It is not uncommon for cats to zig zag in front of their owners. If your cat has not been bothering you by doing it, the easiest option would be to just let your cat continue doing it.

If the behavior has been bothering you, you could try giving your cat things to be distracted with or to stop walking as soon as your cat starts zig zagging.

Give it things to play with

If your cat seems to have been zig zagging because it is playing, another option would be to give your cat things to play with when it is lively.