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Why does my cat try to get in my room?

Cats are curious by nature, and often the reason they keep getting into our rooms is that they’re bored or looking for a new place to nap. Cats might also get into your room to explore, but if they get in there more than 3 times a day, it could be a sign that you’re not providing them with enough opportunities to explore on their own.

If this sounds like the case, consider adding scratching posts and climbing trees to your cat’s environment. If you have a screened-in porch or a backyard that offers plenty of space for exploration, then provide your cat with the opportunity to find out what’s out there.

Many cats will stop wanting to go into rooms when provided with ample places to explore indoors. In other cases, it may be time for you to add another litter box so your cat can have some privacy when she needs it.

What Makes A Cat Feel The Urge To Come Into Your Room?

Several reasons prompt a cat to feel the urge to be close to you. Below are the most common reasons you should be on the lookout for. 

1. Curiosity
Cats are curious animals, and they love to explore their surroundings. By simply seeing a new toy or paint on your room wall, a cat will feel the need to explore and come inside. On the other hand, if your room smells nice or has funny noises, a cat will be attracted to coming inside. Sometimes, a cat will want to come to your room because she is intrigued by the inside surroundings. 

2. Convenience
Cats love convenience. If you put ready food in your room most of the time, you will always have your cat wanting to come in. Your cat will also hang around if your room is warm, quiet, and safe. 

3. Safety
In many instances, a cat will want to come into your room when hungry or in need of a safe place. If you put your cat under harsh weather, without food, and it feels unsafe, you will find it coming to your room all the time. To avoid a lot of instances where your cat feels insecure, please provide her with adequate comfort and food, and the habit will slowly cease. 

Why Does My Cat Want To Come Into My Room At Night?

Possibly, the most common reason your cat tries to get into your room at night is that she likes sleeping around you. It’s instinctual for cats to want to sleep in a dark, secluded area. If there isn’t enough space in your bedroom for your cat, they may try to sneak into the room you are occupying.

Cats are also naturally curious creatures who happen to enjoy exploring new spaces. If they are feeling inquisitive or moody, they might want to explore the home’s different rooms. Some people think that this behavior comes from their natural hunting instincts.
How To Politely Prevent A Cat From Coming Into Your Room At Night

1. Create A Designated Space For Them
To keep your cat from coming into your room at night, create a designated space in another part of the home, so they have a private place to sleep and explore. You can either buy them an enclosure or make one yourself by finding an old dresser or desk that has plenty of nooks and crannies for them to explore. The important thing is that it should be out of sight, so they don’t bother you while you’re trying to sleep!

2. Shut The Door
This is an obvious and effective method at the same time. If you have probably put it into practice and maybe your cat has found other creative ways to sneak in, try to use treats and cat toys to distract her when you open the door. If you are lucky to have an old or agile cat, you can purchase a taller pet gate to distract it.

3. Ignore Your Cat’s Behavior
If your cat likes scratching your door when you enter your room, you can go ahead and ignore her as best as you can. Once you give your cat the attention she is asking for, she will translate it into a good thing and continue with the habit. She will get bored and find something else to do when you deprive her of attention.

4. Deter The Door Scratching Using A Strong Scent
If the door scratching habit persists, you can proceed and make the door unattractive to her. Naturally, cats dislike some strong natural smells, and when placed near the door, they will avoid it completely. Some of the most common scents are:

  • Vinegar
  • Cinnamon
  • Lavender and geranium
  • Citrus
  • Hot and spicy scents
  • Mint and
  • Menthol

You can soak some cotton balls in your preferred scent and place them in a container that has small holes. Proceed to place the container near the door, and your cat will not go near it. 

5. Use A Strong Taste To Deter Them
Just like with strong scents, cats are not awed by strong tastes. However, this will mean that you smear the door with the food substance you choose to use, and hopefully, your cat will disassociate with the door and the room altogether after tasting the substance. The tastes include hot and spicy substances and some bitter commercial sprays. 

6. Using A Sound To Deter Your Cat
Cats do not like loud and sudden sounds. If you choose to use this method, you need to be aware that you could also get affected by the sound you plan to deter the cat with. You can use motion detector sprays designed to emit a hissing and startling sound whenever the cat goes near it. 

7. Using A Touch Deterrent
Naturally, cats dislike their paws sticking to things. If your cat has formed a habit of scratching your room’s door, you can put sticky tape to prevent them from sharpening their claws on the door’s surface. To achieve the best results, use double-sided tape or, alternatively, tape aluminum foil to the door’s surface.

8. Make The Room Uncomfortable
When you make the room uncomfortable for a cat, you make it less desirable for your cat to visit. To easily achieve this, you can play irritating loud music or spray vinegar around the room.

Should I Let My Cat Sleep In My Room?

If you want your cat to be happy, it’s time to let them explore the rest of the home. This is especially important if they’re sleeping in your room and keeping you awake all night long. If you’re worried about what will happen if they go out into the rest of the house, don’t be! Cats are naturally curious and know how to take care of themselves. Below are several things you can do to make your cat comfortable in the rest of the house. 

1. Have A Litter Box And Food In The Rest Of The House
It would help if you also made sure that there’s a litter box, food, and water available for your cat throughout the house. It’s also a good idea to keep their favorite toys or a scratching post nearby so that they can still feel at home wherever they are exploring.

2. Make Sure That You Have A Designated Space For The Cat Outside Your Room
If you want your cat to sleep outside your room, make sure there is a space for it to be disturbed by other pets like dogs or children. Make this area as comfortable as possible with plenty of soft bedding and a nice view out of the window.

If you don’t want them sleeping in your room but would like them to explore more in the house, then try setting up boxes filled with treats around the home so they can find their way back when they get hungry or need some extra love!

3. Provide A Perch And A Hiding Place For Your Cat Outside Your Room
Naturally, cats feel more comfortable and secure when they sit on a high perch and look at their surroundings from a raised place. If you create a raised spot that is cozy where they can hide, they will enjoy it a lot. You can create a comfortable and cozy place by doing the following.

  • You can get cut trees from your nearest store to provide your cat with a few perches. Alternatively, you can build your own using some old wood and scrap pieces of carpet that are available in your house.
  • You can also place your tall pieces of furniture in designated places around the house so that they can serve as perches for your cat. However, you need to ensure that the pieces of furniture are not tall to the extent that your cat cannot jump on top. If your cat is not a very good jumper, you can place a small table or stool for her to use as a step.
  • You can also create a comfortable hiding place under a table or even inside a cardboard box.