If your cat sits by the front door or the bedroom door often, this post will show you likely reasons why and what you can do about them.
So, why does my cat sit by the front door? Likely reasons why your cat sits by the front door are that your cat wants to go outside to explore its surroundings or that your cat does not like being inside.
And, why does my cat sit outside my bedroom door? If your cat only sits outside your bedroom door when you are in your bedroom, the most likely cause is separation anxiety. If your cat sits there even when you are not in there, the most likely cause is that your cat feels safer in your room.
There are a number of possible reasons why your cat could be doing it in both cases and it could be due to a combination of causes. However, there are some things you can consider to help figure out the main cause and there are some things you can do about it.
Why does my cat sit by the front door?
Below are likely reasons why your cat sits by the front door and what would make them more likely.
Your cat is waiting from someone to arrive home
The reason why your cat sits by the front door could be that it is waiting for someone to arrive home. This would be more likely if your cat tends to do it more when a specific person is away. It would be especially likely if it also follows that person around and that person is the one that feeds it.
Your cat wants to get out
Another possible cause is that your cat wants to go outside and it is waiting for you to open the door. This would be more likely if it stands by the door when you approach it and it runs outside as soon as you open the door.
Your cat has seen something outside
It could also be the case that your cat can see or hear something outside such as birds or squirrels. This would be more likely if your cat suddenly runs to the door and seems to really want to go outside.
Your cat just likes the spot
It could also be the case that it just likes the spot by the door. This would be more likely if your cat tends to sit there after it has been fed and it does not try to run out the door when it is open.
There is a problem with something inside
It could also be the case that there is a problem inside that your cat is trying to get away from. This would be more likely if your cat tends to do it more at times when other people or pets are around or when there are loud noises inside.
Why does my cat sit by my bedroom door?
Below are likely reasons why your cat sits outside your bedroom door.
Separation anxiety
The reason why your cat sits outside your bedroom door is likely to be that it has some separation anxiety. This is where it gets anxious when it cannot be around you. This would be more likely to be the main cause if your cat only sits outside your bedroom door when you are in the bedroom and your cat follows you around when you are not in the bedroom.
There is a problem outside your room
It could also be the case that there is an issue outside your room that your cat is trying to get away from such as other animals, people or because there are loud noises etc.
Your cat wants something from you
Another possible reason is that it is waiting to get something from you. This would be a lot more likely if your cat does it more before it has been fed and it does not do it after getting fed.
Your cat simply likes it in your room
The reason why it does it might simply be that it likes it in your room. This would be more likely if it does not follow you around and it chooses to stay in your room even when you are not there.
Things to consider
Below are some things to consider to help figure out the main cause.
If your cat has always sat by the front door or the bedroom door
If your cat did not always do it, it would help to consider what else happened when your cat first started doing it. If your cat started doing it suddenly, it could be due to an event that occurred that caused your cat to start.
The timing of when your cat sits by the front door or bedroom door
It would also help to consider if there is a certain time that your cat tends to do it since the timing could also have something to do with it.
What to do about my cat sitting by the front door?
Below are some options you have when dealing with your cat sitting by the front door.
Get a cat flap
If you do not mind your cat going outside, one option would be to install a cat flap. By doing so, it will not be necessary for your cat to sit there and it can go out whenever it wants to.
Ensure there are no issues inside
If your cat seems to be doing it because it wants to escape from something inside, it would also help to limit possible reasons why your cat might have a problem with what is inside. One option would be to let your cat stay in a different part of the house.
Let it do it
If your cat seems to be doing it because it likes the spot, the easiest option would be to let your cat continue doing it. Alternatively, you could put a cat bed nearby so that it can sleep there instead.
What to do about my cat sitting by my bedroom door?
Below are some options you have when dealing with your cat sitting by your bedroom door.
Let your cat in your room
If you do not mind your cat staying in your room, one option would simply be to let your cat stay in your room. Perhaps, you could put a cat bed where you want it to go.
Limit reasons why your cat might have issues with other rooms
If your cat seems to be doing it due to having some separation anxiety, it would help to limit reasons why it might be fearful without you. Ways to do so could include letting it stay in a room it likes and giving it a safe spot where it can lie down.