Cats are a paradox: they can be cuddly, aloof, independent and downright mean, depending on the situation. But one thing that can’t be denied is how close cats get to their owners, and for some, it can even be a bit creepy.
Cats are often at their most affectionate when their owners are at their weakest, and this has led some to believe that cats are opportunistic, taking advantage of a weakened state to get fed or petted. That nuzzling “I love you” moment your cat gives you in the middle of the night isn’t an act of true love, but a ploy to make you give it what it wants!
Despite that, there are actually many possible reasons why your cat might only cuddle you at night and this post will show them to you as well as what you can do to encourage it to cuddle you more during the day.
So, why does my cat only cuddle at night? Likely reasons why your cat only cuddles at night are separation anxiety, it feels safer, you interact with it differently during the day or that it feels safer during the day.
There are actually a number of possible reasons why your cat only cuddles at night and it might be due to a combination of them. However, there are some things you can consider when figuring out the main cause and there are some things you can do about it.
Reasons why your cat only cuddles at night
Below are a number of possible reasons why your cat only cuddles at night and what would make them more likely.
Separation anxiety
If you do not let your cat sleep with you and if your cat only cuddles before bed, the reason why your cat has been doing it could be due to separation anxiety. In this case, it would help to limit reasons why it might get anxious without you such as by letting it stay in a safe spot that is up high and ensuring the room it sleeps in is not too hot, bright or noisy.
It feels safer
The cause could also be that it feels safer by cuddling with you at night. Cats feel safer and enjoy the feeling of being protected when they cuddle up with their owners at night. Since it is not uncommon for cats to get anxious at night, it stands to reason that cats prefer to sleep close to the safety of their human companion.
You interact with it differently during the day
The cause might also be that you interact with it differently during the day. If you tend to do things such as pick it up or touch it a lot during the day, it might be avoiding you during the day because it does not like the way that you interact with it.
Something causing it to be anxious during the day
It could also be the case that something has been causing your cat to become anxious during the day. This would be more likely if your cat does things such as hide when there are things such as other pets or people around or loud noises in the house.
Things to consider
Below are some things to consider to help figure out the main reason why your cat has been doing it.
If your cat always only cuddled at night
If your cat did not always only cuddle at night, it would help to consider what happened when it stopped cuddling during the day. For example, if it did it when you got a new pet, it could be the case that your cat is intimidated by the pet.
What is different when your cat cuddles during the day
If your cat does cuddle, during the day, sometimes, it would also help to consider what is different when it does cuddle. For example, if it does it when you interact with it in a certain way, the issue could have something to do with how you interact with it.
What to do about your cat only cuddling at night
Below are some options you have when dealing with the behavior.
Be calm with it during the day
As mentioned above, it could be the case that there is an issue with the way you have been interacting with it during the day. It would help to be calm with your cat and to pet it gently.
Limit reasons why it might be anxious during the day
It would also help to limit potential reasons why it might be anxious during the day by giving it a safe place that it can go to and a quiet room.
Let it cuddle when it wants
Cat cuddling is less about love and more about the cat’s need for warmth and comfort. Instead of being offended when your cat isn’t up for cuddling sessions in the middle of the day, remind yourself that the feline just wants to be cozy!