There is nothing more authentic than hearing that cats are inquisitive critters. Over the last 30 years of having cats, I have also found that most cats do not like closed doors, especially if they know that a family member is on the other side of the door. All but two of our six cats have learned how to open doors, and it never ceases to amaze me.
It never fails that as soon as someone in our house goes into the bathroom and closes the door, one of our cats always knows and comes and opens it by pawing, prying, or headbutting the door open. If that does not work, they sit outside the door and meow relentlessly until we let them go inside.
Cats do not seem to care about privacy when they use the litter pan, no more than they seem to care about your privacy when you are in the bathroom. No one knows why some, not all, cats do this. However, you will know when your cat wants to spend time with you, no matter what room you are in. Enjoy each other’s company, no matter the reason.
Possible Reasons Why My Cat Meows at Me In the Bathroom
- A Prior Abusive Owner
If your cat had a previous owner, maybe that owner shut your cat into a room too frequently. Cats do not like confinement.
- Cats are Curious
Most cats do not like water, and when they hear water running and someone is stuck on the other side, perhaps they just want to know that mom or dad is OK. Your cat wants to know what is happening on the other side of that door.
- Your Cat is the Owner of Your Castle
Cats are territorial. Many cat owners keep a cat litter box in the bathroom. When your cat sees you enter what they think is their space, they want to ensure it stays in their room.
- Cats Love Routines
Cats are routine orientated. If you follow a routine, your cat knows it and follows it with you. If you slip up one day, your cat will let you know. A cat knows something is incorrect when deviating from your usual bathroom routine. My cat, Mia, knows the bedtime drill. She comes looking for me if I don’t get my (her) bed ready by 8:30 pm.
- Your Cat Wants to be with You
There is no better time for a kitty to vie for your full attention than when you are sitting on the throne; there is nothing that will distract you from giving Fluffy your undivided and full attention. Your cat has you cornered with no TV, cell phone, or other distraction.
- A Show of Affection
Some cats love licking your skin after a shower. Your cat is simply helping you to clean up and primp yourself. If you have more than one cat, you may notice one giving the other a bath.
- A Cat Must Observe You
Cats are always interested in what their humans are doing. Thus, humans working behind closed doors do not work for many cats. They must supervise and make sure you are OK while doing tasks that seem strange to them, such as brushing your teeth and shaving.
- The Bathroom Eliminates Boredom in a Cat
Nothing is more challenging for a cat than spending time in the bathroom, with or without a human. A cat loves swiping a roll of toilet paper off its holder and chasing it into oblivion. Some cats enjoy seeing a roll of toilet paper spin out of control while they shred it to pieces. Toilet seats and sinks are great places to vegetate. Mirrors offer kitty a new friend to visit and play with. And, no place is more comfortable for a nap than a towel cupboard.
- Loss of Security
Your cat considers you more or less their bodyguard, protecting them from unseen forces. When you disappear behind a closed door, your cat loses its sense of security and will meow until they can see you are still there with them.
- Bathrooms Offer a Quiet Place to Rest (Hide)
Once, we had a cat named Sammy that would shove the bathroom door open and close it back. This cat would jump onto the toilet seat and into the sink to paw open the towel cupboard. He would then jump inside and nestle himself down between the towels for a warm, cozy afternoon nap. You could tell from his expression that there was nothing better.
- Cats Know Where to Get a Drink
Some cats prefer to drink water from the bathroom sink tap, so they wait for their mom or dad to do their bathroom thing. This is an opportunity to jump into the sink for freshwater.
- Cats Need No Reason for What They Do Best
Our cats love to have the run of the house. The bathroom seems to be one of their favorite places to spend time. Cats do not like the door closed because they want to come and go as they please. Cats never take the chance of becoming trapped if they can keep it from happening. So, when your cat meows at you in the bathroom, think nothing about it and consider it quality time spent together.
Why Does My Cat Meow When It Is In The Bathroom?
Over the years of having cats, we have found that the bathroom is one of our cats’ favorite rooms. There is so much in the bathroom that makes them happy, and meowing is their way of expressing themselves. The bathroom is smaller, quiet, and warm, offering a perfect place to get into trouble or take a much-deserved nap.
The sink makes a fantastic bed. It is a cool place to lie in the summer and a great place to drink water from the tap. The toilet seat is off the floor, offering a higher position to sit. Toilet rolls, mirrors, hiding places behind and in things, cupboards to climb into, shelves to sit upon, and watching humans in the bathroom is a perfect cat pastime. Bathrooms for cats are a fantastic find.
Cats intensely love bathrooms. You may sometimes even find a small pile of poo by the toilet. Kitty is not being naughty. They have seen you on the throne many times. Isn’t this the place to go when you need to, you know, go? If you do not keep Fluffy’s litter pan cleaned out twice a day, you may find more than you bargained for on the floor of your bathroom. And, this mess will be your fault, not Fluffy’s.
Why Does My Cat Meow, When They Want to Get Into the Bathroom?
As I just explained prior, the bathroom seems to be a favorite room for a cat. The bathroom offers a cat so much to see and do to pass the time. The bathroom provides your cat with a place of peace and quiet to take an afternoon nap. (Be sure you keep dangerous items out of your cat’s reach in any room).
Cats do not like closed doors in any room, and they tend to meow until you open the door. They want to know what is happening on the other side. If you are on the other side, they need to know what you are doing and if you are going to be there when the door is opened.
How Do I Get My Cat To Stop Meowing Inside or Outside the Bathroom?
Meowing is the communication cats use to tell you what they need or want. Never yell, or become abusive towards your cat to try to get it to stop meowing. Since cats cannot talk, it is up to you to figure out the problem and remedy it. Check the following possible problems.
- Is there fresh food and water? Are they thirsty or hungry?
- Is your kitty not eating or constantly eating?
- Is your kitty using the litter pan and peeing and pooing regularly?
- Give your cat a quick exam to make sure they are OK.
- Did you clean out their litter pan?
- Have you neglected to give them their usual amount of attention?
- Keep doors open if you have cats unless it would be harmful to let Fluffy inside the room.
- If your cat is not neutered or spayed, it can become really noisy, and its behavior can become quite annoying. Your vet can help.
- Did your vet check and examine your cat for health issues? Some things can cause constant meowing, such as hypothyroidism. (Cats do not get hyperthyroidism). Constant meowing can be a side effect of pain, illness, loneliness, undue stress factors, old age, senility, low vision, and more.
Above all else, please do not punish your kitty for meowing, no matter how bad it gets. It is your responsibility to discover why your kitty is meowing so much.
My Cat Meowed Non-Stop During the Night
The following is a true short story about what happened one night to us and our non-stop meowing cat. Hopefully, my story will make you think twice if you have this same problem.
When Sammie, my Ragdoll, was alive, he came to my bedroom at 2 am one night and started to meow at the side of my bed, and he would not stop. When I finally decided to get up, he would take off down the stairs, so I would go back to bed. A few minutes passed, and there he was again meowing like crazy, non-stop. Additionally, his meows were becoming louder. Each time, as soon as I got out of bed, he took off down the stairs. Sammie did this three times before I decided to follow him, and he stopped at the front door. I saw quick flickers of light on our front porch.
The electrical wiring for our enclosed front porch was arching badly, and we were about to have a fire. Sammie helped to divert a fire in our home that night. All I could do was pick him up and hug him and praise his laborious efforts to get me up and going.
Once my husband fixed the problem, Sammie curled up in his bed and went to sleep. All I could say was, “God Bless Sam.” Sammie died at age 20, and how I love and miss that cat!
The next day, my praises continued for Sammie, along with a few kitty gifts. All I can say is, listen to your cat’s meows. They do not constantly meow unless something is wrong with them, you, or their environments.
Cats can also have this behavior if they are spoiled rotten, and all I can say is, “So What!” My cats are all spoiled brats, and we dearly love each of them. Cats are not stupid; they are highly intelligent critters. We need to give them the credit they deserve.
*Be aware that some breeds of cats meow more than others and enjoy the fact that your cat wants to communicate with you.