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Why Does My Cat Like Being Near Me?

Do you know the definition of unconditional love?

Before I became a cat parent over 30 years ago, I had heard it said from pet lovers that cats and dogs love their owners unconditionally. I never really knew the depth of unconditional love until I rescued my first fur baby in 1992. Throughout these last 30 plus years, I have taken in and cared for at least 40 cats, not all simultaneously. And, I found out what real unconditional love meant for a devoted cat parent.

Unconditional love is defined as love given with no strings attached. Cats offer their love freely. Cats do not know what it means to base the love they have on their parents as a tit for tat love. In other words, I will love you if you do this for me. Nothing will break a bond when a cat finds a loving home and parents. They love you without expecting anything in return.

Why Does My Cat Like Being Near Me?

I currently have six fur babies and many more who have passed on to The Rainbow Bridge. I cannot think of one cat now or in the past that did not want to be near me. There are different levels of nearness, and since each cat is unique, they have different levels and ways of showing their affection.

For example, my cat, Mia, spends about 70 percent of her time in my bedroom on my bed. She comes out and wanders or may sit in the sun on my porch. About 7:30 pm, Mia looks for me and wants me to go to bed. We sit and watch TV while I brush her; she has supper and then takes a nap. Believe it or not, Mia enjoys watching cat videos on my Kindle a couple of times a week. She sleeps on my shoulder and, during the night, will stretch out her front legs and lay them across my arm. Her way of saying, “I love you.”

  • While some cats show affection through touching, others show us attention by simply being near us and prefer not to be touched or are not keen on sitting on our lap.
  • Your cat likes to be near you because you bring them happiness and security.
  • Sometimes, when it is near mealtime, your cat may keep you in its sight, knowing that it will soon have dinner.
  • Every time I bring groceries home or start to make dinner, I have three cats who sit in the kitchen watching my every move. They will go through all the bags to see if something is for them. All the while, Wee Willy is meowing up a storm.
  • Most cats, along with being curious, enjoy their human parents’ companionship. I have noticed with my cats that they must know what is going on all the time.
  • Because your cat wants to be with you all the time could also mean that it has an underlying medical issue such as diabetes or hyperthyroidism. These two health issues appear later in the cat’s life. However, if you take your cat to the vet for a wellness checkup every year and have an initial blood panel drawn and repeated as the vet feels necessary, you should be able to catch these issues and treat them appropriately.

If your cat likes being near you, consider it an honor and embrace the moment. Cats love to be where you are, and they love watching and listening. As a cat parent for so many years, I know that my cats have nothing they can give me except their unconditional love and attention, and that is the most beautiful gift of all.

Why Is My Cat So Attached To Me, Lately?

If your cat never followed you around the house or yard and suddenly this behavior has changed, there may be something that your cat is trying to tell you. I can give you an example. My cat, Wee Willy, is 17 years of age. Willy is still active and has never had any medical issues. His weight is in the ideal range. There are a few different things that we have noticed in the last few months. Even though Willy is eating, drinking, and using the litter pan, his activity level has not changed. I do not know why he is suddenly meowing so much and is so clingy. The only thing we can do is to make sure he has no underlying health problems, given his age.

Willy’s Usual Behavior.

  • Willy never meowed much or had much to say.
  • Willy never followed us around the house. However, he did enjoy the attention sometimes and on his terms.
  • He was the cat that ruled the roost.
  • We call Willy our terrorist attacker because he is the one who keeps the other five in line.
  • Willy has always had good health.
  • Willy naps with hubby every afternoon.

Willy’s Behavior Changes

  • I recently found out that Willy has a meow because he has started meowing frequently.
  • Willy wants us to sit with him.
  • When we go into the kitchen, so do Willy and his meows.
  • Willy eats dry food and moist food. However, he begs for food about every two hours. We give him a teaspoon; he licks the gravy and usually leaves the meat.
  • When I start to fix dinner, Willy is there meowing until I give him a bit of unseasoned meat.

These are some changes that I am talking about. Given Willy’s age, I made his yearly wellness visit soon. Willy could have developed diabetes or hyperthyroidism, and only a blood draw will tell. Even though changes can be minor, they can be characteristic of underlying health issues.

Cats also have this sixth sense. They know when things are about to change, and since they are creatures of habit, they usually do not like change. I know that cats cannot always understand a human’s conversation, but they can pick up enough words and human emotion to know that something is wrong or something is about to change. Thus, your cat may become more clingy.

When your cat becomes overly clingy, they will come to you for safety and reassurance that you are not going anywhere. Each cat has its own personality, the same as each human has its own personality, and no cat is the same as another. Each is unique and wonderfully made.

  • Some cats demand your attention and are clingy.
  • Some cats are insecure and need constant reassurance.
  • Some cats rule the roost like our Wee Willy, who seems to have nerves of steel.
  • Some cats are naturally afraid, anxious, and nervous.
  • Some cats figure things out by themselves, while others seem cute, loving, cuddly, but dumber than a box of rocks, just like some humans I have met.
  • Some cats have little self-confidence, while others have too much confidence, and they get into trouble.

Take into consideration your cat’s personality and usual disposition and start ruling things out, such as,

  • Are you going to be making a significant lifestyle change, such as moving to another house, or are you making a job change?
  • Are you ill and have a disease process brewing? Cats can smell changes in their parents’ scents. It has been proven that cats can smell a disease such as cancer before their parents even know. 
  • Has there been a death in the family? 

Cats are sensitive to these situations. When my husband got a telephone call one day that his dad had passed away, our cat Papa Pudge Bear began crying, his tears dropping on our desk where he lay. Take it from me, cats know much more than we give them credit!

The only way a cat can return your love for them is to stick by your side and be near you as much as possible. Of course, at times, they may go shopping to get you something special, like laying a dead mouse or bird at your feet or on your doorstep. Never yell at your cat for doing this, simply accept their gift of love.