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Why does my cat call for me?

If your cat calls for you, this post will show you a number of likely reasons and what you can do about them.

So, why does my cat call for me? Likely reasons why your cat calls for you are that it has separation anxiety, it wants something from you, there is a problem with the room it stays in or injury.

There are actually a number of possible reasons why your cat calls for you from another room and it might be due to a combination of causes. However, there are some things you can consider when figuring out the main cause and there are some things you can do about it.

Reasons why your cat calls for you

Below are likely causes and what would make them more likely.

It wants attention

The reason why your cat does it could be that it wants attention. This would be more likely if your cat rubs itself against you and gets you to pet it when you go into the room it is in.

It is hungry

Another possible cause is that it wants food. This would be a lot more likely if your cat does it, in the morning, when you have not fed it yet and it does not meow so much after it has been fed.

Separation anxiety

Another likely reason is that your cat has some separation anxiety. This would be most likely if your cat is unable to come into your room when it meows from somewhere else in the house.

A problem with the room it stays in

It could also be the case that there is a problem with the room that it normally stays in. The problem could be that the room is too hot, loud, bright or because there are other animals in there that it does not like.

Injury or pain

It might also be the case that your cat has been doing it due to having an injury or being in pain. This would be more likely if your cat has started crying for you suddenly and it has been showing other signs of having an injury such as not moving as much and behaving unusually in other ways. In this case, the best option would be to take it to a vet.

It wants to go outside

Another possible reason is that your cat wants to go outside. This would be more likely if your cat meows from the room that leads outside while standing near the door.

Things to consider

Below are some things to consider to help figure out likely reasons why your cat has been doing it.

If your cat always called for you

If your cat did not always call for you, it would help to consider what else happened when it first started doing it. If it started doing it suddenly, it might be the case that there was an event that caused it to start such as not being able to stay in your room anymore or a change in the room that it stays in.

What else is different when your cat calls for you

If your cat does not always cry for you, it would also help to consider what is different when it does not call for you For example, if it does not do it when it has access to your room, the reason why it meows is likely to be that it wants to be able to enter your room.

What to do about your cat meowing for you

Below are options you have to deal with the behavior.

Limit reasons why it might be anxious

If your cat seems to be doing it due to being anxious, it would help to try to limit reasons why it might be being anxious. Ways to do so could include ensuring the at the room it stays in is not too hot, loud and that there is a safe space for it to sleep.

Let it come into your room

If you do not mind your cat entering your room with you, another option would be to allow your cat to come into the room when it wants to.

Feed it at a certain time

If your cat has been doing it due to being hungry, it could also help to feed it at around the same time each day so that it knows when it can expect to be fed.

It would also help to give your cat access to water so that it does not need to tell you when it needs water.