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Why does my cat bite my arm?

If your cat has been biting your arm, you might be wondering why and what you can do about it. This post will show you a number of possible causes and what you can do about them.

So, why does my cat bite my arm? Possible reasons why your cat bites your arm are that it wants you to stop petting it, you’re petting it wrong, it is playing, or that it is intimidated.

There are actually a number of possible reasons why your cat has been doing it and it might be due to a combination of them. However, there are some things you can consider to help figure out the main cause and there are a number of things you can do about it.

Why does my cat bite my arm?

Below are a number of possible reasons why your cat has been doing it and what would make each of them more likely to be the main reason.

Your cat wants you to stop touching it

If your cat does it when you are touching it, with your arm, the cause could be that it wants you to stop touching it with your arm. This would be more likely if it also tries to move away from you.

Related: Why does my cat grab my legs?

You’re petting it wrong

Another possible cause is that it does not like the way that you are petting it and it either wants you to stop petting it or to pet it differently. This would be more likely if your cat does it when you are petting it and if it also scratches and bites.

It’s playing

Another possible reason is that it is actually playing. This would be more likely if it also grabs your arm and if it does not seem to be showing other negative signs such as scratching, hissing or pulling away.

Related: Why does my cat bite my hand?

Your cat feels intimidated

The reason why it does it might also be that it feels intimidated. This would be more likely if your cat seems to pull away from you and if it also scratches or hisses. In this case, it could be the case that you are not being gentle enough or you are approaching it too boldly.


Sometimes, cats will also bite when they are being affectionate. The reason why your cat has been biting your arm could actually be that it is showing you affection. This would be more likely to be the cause if it does it when it is showing positive body language such as by purring.

Things to consider about your cat biting your arm

Below are some things to consider to help figure out the main reason why your cat has been doing it.

If your cat has always bitten your arm

If your cat has not always bit your arm, it would help to consider what else happened when your cat first started doing it. It could be the case that something changed that caused your cat to start doing it. If it started doing it suddenly, it might be due to things such as a change in the way that you pet it.

What is different when your cat does not bite your arm

If your cat tends to do it more in certain situations, it would also help to consider if there is anything special about the timing. For example, if it only does it when you are petting it, the cause might be that there is an issue with the way you are petting it.

How to stop my cat from biting my arm?

Below are some options you have when dealing with the behavior.

Avoid encouraging the behavior

It might be the case that it has learned that biting your arm gets rewards. Instead, it would help to reward it when it does not bite your arm and to avoid giving it things such as extra attention when it does bite your arm.

Pet it differently

The first thing to try would be to pet it in a different manner. Often cats prefer to be rubbed below the chin instead of having their bellies or backs rubbed. It could help to try scratching below its chin instead.

Be gentle

If you have been petting it a bit forcefully, it would also likely help to try petting it more gently.

Why does my cat bite my arm at night?

If your cat has been biting your arm at night, it might be because it wants to be fed. Which would be more likely if it tends to do it more when it has not been given much food. It could also be due to the reasons mentioned above and it would help to consider what else is different about the timing.

Why does my cat bite my arm for no reason?

If your cat has been biting your arm for no apparent reason, it might be the case that your cat has been doing it to show affection which would be more likely if it does it when showing positive body language. It could also be because of one of the other reasons mentioned and it would help to consider if your cat does it more in specific situations.

Why does my cat bite my arm when I pet it?

If your cat bites your arm specifically when you pet it, the cause would be more likely to be that there is either an issue with the way you are petting it or it is showing affection. It would help to consider if it shows positive or negative body language.

Why does my cat bite my arm when I’m sleeping?

If your cat bites your arm when you are sleeping, it might be because it is trying to get you to give it food which would be more likely if it does it in the morning when it has not been fed yet.

Why does my cat bite my arm and not let go?

If your cat bites your arm without letting go, it would be more likely that it is showing affection especially if it also shows positive body language. However, it could also be because it feels intimidated which would be more likely if it also shows other negative body language signs.

Why does my cat bite my arm in the morning?

If your cat bites your arm in the morning, it would be more likely to be because it wants you to feed it which would be more likely if it stops doing it after you have already given it food.