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Is it ok to wash a cat with human shampoo?

Cats are typically fastidious groomers. Unlike dogs, who don’t seem to mind being dirty or even stinky, it’s rare that a cat needs a bath. Their tongue is specially designed to keep their fur clean, and they spend as much as 50% of their day grooming themselves. Still, there are rare occasions when you’ll need …

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What Does it Mean if a Cat’s Poop is Grey?

The color, consistency, and amount of bodily fluids tell the doctor much about the health of a human and animal. There are 26 different body fluids, and humans and their cats have most of those same fluids. For example, blood, mucus, feces, and urine are fluids that tell a health story of you and your …

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Why does my cat pee by the front door? (Or Spray)

If your cat is house trained, you may be surprised to find them peeing on your door. It’s also possible that other cats are peeing on the outside of your door. Smelling urine each time you open the door certainly isn’t appealing. To stop the behavior, you will first need to understand why it’s occurring.  …

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