If your male or female cat leaks a clear, odorless fluid, the problem usually lies with the anal glands. However, there is a host of other problems that can account for this issue happening.
These health issues in a male or female feline can be different, and the possibilities are explained further.
Male and female cats were created with two internal and unseen glands on each side of the outer rectum. These glands constantly fill with fluid and serve a few different purposes, as later explained.
When the cat strains to poop, these glands empty. Sometimes problems arise with these glands, and the kitty must see the vet for minor fluid expression treatment.
Why is My Female Cat Leaking a Clear Odorless Fluid?
If you notice your female cat leaking a clear, odorless fluid, it usually signifies a problem with the anal glands.
If this discharge is any other color but clear, it can signify a different health issue only your vet can target and treat.
For example, if the fluid is pinkish in color, bloody, or resembles pus, this could be a reproductive issue in the female cat.
Your vet will undoubtedly want to know the color and consistency of the fluid so they can make a diagnosis and start appropriate treatment.
- Is the fluid coming from the anus?
- Is the fluid coming from the vulva?
- Is your cat spayed? If not,
- Is your cat pregnant?
As explained above, the discharge can be clear or present various colors and consistencies. The vet would have to diagnose and treat accordingly. Depending on the diagnosis, is your kitty presenting any other signs or symptoms such as,
- Fever
- Excessive thirst
- Pus or blood discharge
- Lethargy
- Loss of appetite
- Excessive grooming
- Vomiting
- Excessiveness towards other male cats
- Floor scooting
This fluid leaking could signify a health issue such as an infection or other common cause.
- Unspayed female cats are susceptible to uterine infections. This infection is known as pyometra which can be life-threatening. Your vet needs to see your cat immediately.
- Infection of the vagina
- A foreign object
- A growth
- Warts
- Injury or trauma to the area
- Pelvic sensitivity
What To Do?
It takes the expertise of your vet to diagnose and treat accordingly. Your vet will examine your cat and ask you about your cat’s daily habits. Your vet will want to know what type of food you feed your cat and how much water your cat drinks daily.
Since this type of infection can be life-threatening, the vet will diagnose and treat it as soon as possible. Treatment depends on the diagnosis, and examples are listed below.
Infection of the Uterus
- Surgical intervention is the most common approach if the diagnosis is an infection in the uterus. The vet will perform this procedure on cats that are not spayed. Surgery assures that the infection does not recur.
- Your vet may need to do some blood work. If your cat has an infection, the white blood count will be elevated, and the red blood count will be decreased.
- Your vet may want to scope your cat by running a tiny device to see if an injury or foreign body is present. (A mild sedative is usually given before the procedure)
Foreign Object
The vet removes the object and orders healing medication
The vet may order an antibiotic through injection, IV, oral, or cream.
The vet may order an antibiotic through injection, IV, or oral.
Impacted Anal Glands
The vet will express the anal glands to help empty the fluid. The cat may have to return to have this repeated in the months ahead.
Why is My Male Cat Leaking a Clear Odorless Fluid?
A vet visit is necessary to determine the diagnosis and appropriate treatment. This leaking of fluid could be attributed to a few different causes. It is up to your vet to determine the problem. However, the most common cause for a male cat displaying a leaking of clear, odorless fluid is impacted anal glands. Other common issues are,
Parasites or Inflammation
Anal glands are not usually visible, but if they are, they present swelling of the areas next to the rectum due to inflammation or other cause such as parasites.
Situational fear can cause anal glands to tighten, and a clear liquid can be seen coming from the anus.
Painful inflammation in one or both anal glands
- Clear or yellow drainage
- Pus
- Blood
Abscess in the Anal Gland
If the anal glands are red or purple in color and enlarged, there could be an abscess. In this case, cancer is not likely.
What to Do?
Follow your vet’s recommendations regarding what you need to do to get your cat’s health back, such as,
- Adding more fiber to the diet
- Expelling the fluid from the anal sac sometimes must be repeated until the issue is resolved
- Antibiotics
- Good hydration
- Possible surgery depending on the diagnosis
This may not seem like a problem that necessitates a vet bill. However, being too cautious is always better than having your kitty become acutely ill. While cat parents can express their kitty’s anal glands, it is not recommended. The problem is that,
- Most cat parents are not vets.
- Cat parents should never diagnose or treat their cat for any type of fluid leaking from the cat’s body.
- The problem may be more serious than you anticipated.
- Many cat owners do not want to do this due to having to restrain the cat. There may be a fear of hurting the kitty.
The best and safest way to help a kitty get onto the right road for recovery is to take your cat to the vet. And, remember that cats are masters at hiding pain and discomfort until it is too late and they become acutely ill.
The Purpose of Anal Glands in Male and Female Cats
- When a cat has a bowel movement, the pressure in the rectum releases the fluid in these two glands, which helps to lubricate the feces to make defecation easier.
- This fluid also marks the cat’s territory with its unique scent.
- Cats frequently smell the behinds of other cats as their way of greeting. This usual greeting among the cat populace is much the same as humans shaking hands, giving a hug, or bumping elbows with another person as a greeting.
Impacted Anal Glands
The most common problem of this sort is the cat’s inability to expel fluid from the anal glands, and the glands become impacted. When this happens, you will see swelling on each side of the rectum. Usually, this is not painful unless infection sets into the areas.
The fluid is clear and odorless. The following are some signs and symptoms that your kitty may display.
- Lethargy
- Obsessive licking at the rectal site
- Crying or whining during pooping
- Blood in the feces.
- Foul-smelling
- Fever
The following are a couple of temporary or chronic issues that can cause anal glands to become impacted.
If a cat has chronic diarrhea, it may not be able to put adequate pressure on the rectum; thus, the glands become impacted.
Foreign Object or Infection
In both instances, it can block the gland from expelling fluid. The vet may have to expel this fluid at intervals and order an antibiotic.